Personally I find Gnome’s `Recent documents` feature quit annoying. In earlier versions I always disabled it by doing this:
rm ~/.recently-used.xbel -Rf; mkdir ~/.recently-used.xbel -p;
Unfortunately that didn’t work anymore… After reading how to Clear/Prevent Recent Documents under Files & Folders in Ubuntu Unity I thought I found a solution, but I didn’t. This piece of magic, on the contrary, did!
echo 'gtk-recent-files-max-age=0' >> ~/.gtkrc-2.0;
This had me confused for a while too. In Ubuntu 11.10 the fix stated here didn’t work. Eventually I discovered that the recently-used.xbel file has moved to a new location. It is now in here ~/.local/share/recently-used.xbel
The first fix works if the path is changed to the new location
none of this worked
Works! Thanks 😀
Google for activity-log-manager which can be used to manage logged activities (recently used files).